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Touring Exhibition
Two Lives Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz, A Conversation in Paintings and Photographs
1992 - 1993 | 4 venues
Exhibition Venues
The Phillips Collection
Washington, D.C./United States of America/North America
December 12, 1992 - April 04, 1993
IBM Gallery of Science and Art
New York City/New York
April 27, 1993 - June 26, 1993
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
July 17, 1992 - September 12, 1993
The Museum of Fine Arts
October 02, 1993 - December 05, 1993

Washington, D.C.
The Phillips Collection
Two Lives Georgia O'Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz, A Conversation in Paintings and Photographs
12 December 1992 - 4 April 1993
Circulated to: see Venues

Exhibition Venues
The Phillips Collection
Washington, D.C./United States of America/North America
December 12, 1992 - April 04, 1993
IBM Gallery of Science and Art
New York City/New York
April 27, 1993 - June 26, 1993
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
July 17, 1992 - September 12, 1993
The Museum of Fine Arts
October 02, 1993 - December 05, 1993
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