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Touring Exhibition
O'Keeffe's O'Keeffes: The Artist's Collection
2001 - 2002 | 3 venues
Exhibition Venues
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
Santa Fe/New Mexico
September 14, 2001 - January 13, 2002
Milwaukee Art Museum
May 04, 2001 - August 19, 2001
Russell Bowman
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
February 08, 2002 - May 20, 2002

The Milwaukee Art Museum has the fourth largest O'Keeffe collection in the United States and the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, which was founded in 1997, has the largest. The collections of both museums were formed significantly by works from O'Keeffe's estate distributed by the The Georgia O'Keeffe Foundation. As a result, the two museums are logical partners in the organization of this exhibition. After its presentation in Milwaukee and Santa Fe, the exhibition will travel to the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark.

O'Keeffe's O'Keeffes will be the first exhibition to showcase the artist's works from her own collection and to explore how her management of this collection shaped her public image. An intimate portrait of Georgia O'Keeffe, the exhibition features many of the works she treasured for their beauty and significance, including works which she kept hidden from public view.

O'Keeffe's Okeeffes presents visitors with a ground-breaking voyage through Georgia O'Keeffe's life as an artist, collector and craftswoman of her own legacy. It reveals a woman who actively worked to control the public perceptions of herself and of her work, demonstrating that O'Keeffe was much more than the secluded painter of desert subjects that many believe her to be.

The exhibition was curated by Barbara Buhler Lynes, Curator of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum and The Emily Fisher Landau Director of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Research Center, with Russell Bowman, Director of the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Exhibition Venues
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
Santa Fe/New Mexico
September 14, 2001 - January 13, 2002
Milwaukee Art Museum
May 04, 2001 - August 19, 2001
Russell Bowman
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
February 08, 2002 - May 20, 2002
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