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Georgia O'Keeffe
Pelvis IV, 1944
Georgia O'Keeffe
Pelvis IV, 1944
Oil on Masonite (fiberboard), 36 1/16 x 40 3/8 inches
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
Gift of The Burnett Foundation

Extreme close-up view of the socket of a pelvic bone - the white of the bone filling to three corners of the canvas. Through the hole, centered in the middle, is seen a blue sky with a pale and transparent almost full moon in the upper left of the opening. A sliver of blue is also in the lower right corner where the bone curves in.

Catalogue Raisonné Number



Inscriptions: Stretcher: inaccessible
Verso: inaccessible
1. "Pelvis IV/ 1944 / oil / 36 x 40 / Masonite / Baker 5644" (black ink, OKR)
2.. "Georgia O'Keeffe/ Abiquiu, N.M. / Pelvis IV / Abiquiu, N.M. / via express Santa Fe N.M." (1947 AIC label label, black ink)
3. "Pelvis - IV" (AD, AAP4, Paintings 1944, black ink)


Estate of the artist, 1986 Private collection, 1987 The Burnett Foundation, Fort Worth, Tex., 1996

Exhibition History

1945 New York (An American Place), not on checklist, listed DB hand, as Pelvis IV
1946 New York (MOMA--Retro), no. 54
1948 New York (MOMA Stieglitz), no. 83
1960 Worcester, no. 24
1966 Fort Worth
1997 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Inaugural
1998 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent
1999 Santa Fe (O’Keeffe) The Poetry of Things
2001 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) O'Keeffe's O'Keeffes
2002 Denmark (Louisiana Museum) O'Keeffe's O'Keeffes
2003 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Debating American Modernism)
2006 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOK: Color and Conservation
2007 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOK: Circling Around Abstraction; all venues
2009 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Modernists in NM)
2009 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Beyond Our Shores/Jimson Weed Returns)
2010 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) O'Keeffiana
2011 Europe (Rome, Munich, Helsinki) GOK: Retrospective
2013 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Katsina; GOKM venue only
2014 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Ghost Ranch Views
2015 Musee de Grenoble, Georgia O'Keeffe, Nov. 7, 2015 - Feb. 7, 2016

© Private Collection*, Burnett Foundation Gift

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