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Georgia O'Keeffe
Black Mesa Landscape, New Mexico / Out Back of Marie's II, 1930
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Georgia O'Keeffe
Black Mesa Landscape, New Mexico / Out Back of Marie's II, 1930
Oil on canvas, 24 1/4 x 36 1/4 inches
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
Gift of The Burnett Foundation

Horizontal landscape with blue peaks in the background, black and pure ground. Along the bottom edge is a strip of green foliage and trees.

Catalogue Raisonné Number



Inscriptions: Stretcher: "A frame / flat frame (Marin) / [drawing of frame] silver frame used for barn 1932" (AS, graphite)
1. "30" (graphite)
2. OK * (graphite)
3. "Taos" (Taos has strikeout line) Black Mesa [crossing out and 'Black Mesa' by OK, graphite] Landscape, New Mexico - / Georgia O'Keeffe / artist / (Rm 1710) 509 Madison Ave. New York, N.Y." (As Carnegie label, black ink)
4. "Taos landscape, New Mexico - / Georgia O'Keeffe / artist / (Rm 1710) 509 Madison Ave. New York, N.Y." (AS, Carnegie label [2nd one], black ink)


George M. Harris, San Antonio, Tex., purchase, 1968 (Gerald Peters Gallery, Santa Fe, N.Mex.) The Burnett Foundation, Fort Worth, Texas, 1966

Exhibition History

1931 New York (An American Place), nos. 24-33, as Landscape near H & M Ranch
1931-32 New York (An American Place)
1986 New York (Hirschl & Adler), no. 22
1993 London (Hayward), no. 64
1998 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent
1999 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Four Painters / Skunk Cabbage)
2003 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Debating American Modernism)
2003 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Stieglitz / Frames of Preference)
2004 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) A Sense of Place; all venues
2006 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOK: Color and Conservation
2007 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Living Artists: Sherrie Levine)
2008 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Hartley)
2008 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOK and Ansel Adams; all venues
2010 Fort Worth (Cowgirl) GOK and the Faraway
2010 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) O'Keeffiana
2011 Europe (Rome, Munich, Helsinki) GOK: Retrospective
2013 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Faraway) *Installed 4/19/13 announcing the new US Postal Stamp
2013 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Katsina)
2013 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Modern Nature)
2014 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Abiquiu Views x 2)*Sept2014 replaced by 599 and moved to Gallery 3:
2014 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) The Garden

© Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Burnett Foundation Gift

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