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Georgia O'Keeffe
Abstraction White Rose, 1927
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Georgia O'Keeffe
Abstraction White Rose, 1927
Oil on canvas, 36 x 30 inches
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
Gift of The Burnett Foundation and The Georgia O'Keeffe Foundation

Spiraling grey-white tones flowing outward from the center, as if looking into a rose from an aerial view. Subject not readily identifiable as a rose as the "petals" are distinguished by tonal variations of dark black/grey blending into light grey/white.

Catalogue Raisonné Number



Inscriptions; Stretcher; "[illegible words] /no glass" (unidentified hand, graphite)
1. OK * (graphite)
2. "Waxed by Mrs. Keck" (graphite)
3. "Abstraction White Rose / 1927 / Oil on canvas / 36 x 30" (OKR, black ink)
4. "O'Keeffe has negative" (OKR, graphite)
5. "Abstraction -- White Rose / 1927 / By Georgia O'Keeffe" (AS, black crayon)
6. "O'Keeffe" (AS, black crayon)
7. "Abstraction -- White 1927 / by Georgia O'Keeffe" (AS, IG, black ink)
8. "abstraction -- White Rose -- / 1927" (AD, graphite)
9. "Place glass / Storage" (GO, graphite)


Anita O'Keeffe (Mrs. Robert R.) Young, Newport, R.I., 1970 The artist, unknown Estate of the artist, 1986 The Georgia O'Keeffe Foundation, Abiquiu, N.Mex., 1993 The Burnett Foundation, Fort Worth, Tex., 1996 (partial share) Mrs. Anita Young Newport/Rhode Island, Georgia O'Keeffe Unknown

Exhibition History

1928 New York (Intimate Gallery--O'Keeffe), no. 41, as Abstraction--White Rose
1946 New York (MOMA--Retro), no. 27
1966 Fort Worth
1970 New York (Whitney), no. 50
1993 London (Hayward), no. 49
1997 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Inaugural
1998 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent
1999 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) The Poetry of Things
2001 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) O'Keeffe's O'Keeffes
2002 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOKM 5th Anniversary
2003 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Debating American Modernism)
2003 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Stieglitz / Frames of Preference)
2005 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOK and Andy Warhol: Flowers
2006 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Celebration of New Work)
2006 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOK: Color and Conservation
2006 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Paul Strand)
2007 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOK: Circling Around Abstraction; all venues
2008 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOK and Ansel Adams; all venues
2010 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) GOK: Abstraction; all venues
2011 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Shared Intelligence)
2011 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Robert Henri)
2013 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Modern Nature)
2014 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Abiquiu Views: Cottonwoods) (5/21/14 replaced CR 528)
2014 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (Abiquiu Views: Patio)
2014 Santa Fe (O'Keeffe) Permanent Collection (GR Views / Covarrubias)

© Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Gift

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