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Research grant correspondence
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Research grant correspondence
Date: 1957-1959
1. The first binder contains correspondence, 1957-1959, which concerns a research grant, seeking funding for Chabot to study the sexual content and meaning of symbols used in Pueblo art and artifacts in relation to sexual terms and phrases in their languages. The correspondence involved Chabot and Dr. Stephan Borhegyi, Alice Marriott, and R. Boyd Gunning of the University of Oklahoma; Marjorie Lambert of the Museum of New Mexico; A.W. Bauernfeind of the Milwaukee Public Musem; and Georgeanna Wight, who privately funded the grant. 2. The same binder also contains MC notes for study for the Sexual Symbolism & Linguistics grant, some drafts of proposed text, and a bibliography. This is the only binder the mentions study. Binder is in the original order.
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