Dorothy Stewart to and from Mabel Ludlum
Dorothy Stewart to and from Mabel Ludlum
Date: 1923-1930
Collection: Maria Chabot Papers, MS.40
- Abstract
- MABEL STEWART LUDLUM [aka: "Sister Mabel"; Mrs. Seymour DeWitt Ludlum] Correspondence from Dorothy Stewart to Mabel Ludlum: 1. Fourteen letters from Stewart to Ludlum, June 25, 1923 - July 1929, with two letters also written in 1929 but without month or day. The letter of August 16, [1925], encloses a concert program and one page of a letter from Katherine Chapman describing a tea in Santa Fe attended by Willa Cather and Mary Austin. The letters of July 4, 1926 and the first of two letters at the end of this section ending 1929 are illustrated. 2. Twelve letters and two telegrams from Stewart to Ludlum, Jan. 29, 1930 - Oct. 20, 1930. These letters are written primarily from Santa Fe and Mexico City. The last three letters in this section were found together in an envelope posted Oct. 20, 1930. The first two of these letters are written on strips of colored paper and concern events in Santa Fe and the second of these letters mentions writing Adobe Notes with Katherine Chapman and "Spud" Willard Johnson. The third letter is fragmentary [page 1 is missing]. This letter is written from Mexico and is illustrated. The letter, dated by a concert program enclosed with it, April 10, 1932, was written on part of the typed manuscript of Stewart's book, Hornacinas, and also enclosed three additional manuscript pages and two pages dealing with the wording of its dedication. Many of the above letters were found with enclosed clippings and performance programs and the dating of the letters were based on these enclosures.
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